I'm not sure how many of you, who read this blog, have visited the Youtube Channel or not, but things have been anything but normal lately. First, I saw this strange "commercial" (that I eventually got a feeling like something was off about it), then the videos that mysteriously showed up, and then...well, um, I don't feel like myself. I haven't been feeling like myself for a little while now.
If you're wondering why, well, it started after the incident a couple days ago. I've been resting, and I don't feel as weak, but there's something else. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I feel somewhat...different than I usually do.
Sometimes I feel like I move somewhat faster than I normally would and then I'll feel tired, like I just ran (even though I know I haven't). It doesn't always happen, but when it does it's kind of scary. The only reason I can think of, that I feel somewhat different now, is because of the incident. It makes the most sense.
The thing is, though, even with that, I'm not sure what's happened to me. All I know is that I sometimes feel like I'm moving in a slightly different time frame than other people, if that makes sense, and I don't know what to do about it.