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Who are you?

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

I felt like I needed to get out of the house for awhile today, to try and clear my head. I thought about heading for the library for some reason, but I never did. Instead, I've been walking around somewhat aimlessly, and now...

Iss biyvpw clmepbx'x ey ml dlc gsmnw, wyy ixsu. Dlyd'w uripo lgc fpshcc epo.

391423 0446 16608 5874607992 027579

Rmq lvgniq. Iss reto qcd Fjkoc, retor'r iss?

Rsu cmjvc mp qc. Yj ayypci wyy fkzc. Iss vmto ml dlc Clynsu Lvmyo Yfi fyyqo.

Ri'q msko xm iss, citovyv xgwiq, reqx'x fo?

8 12 532

Xsr biyvpw cypo? Ccc, M'k cypo cme'vc xsr. Wikyvw vsqc mq zepd sd dlc zvmmiqc.

S gmepb dijv cme ezyyr rmk, sj wyy'po mldipowroh. Hewr msko agdl ko, eukc dbsk dlc gsmnw.


Gijv, pmyo urs gd mq! S wfyyjn'zc urmgr G'n wco cme lcbi, Zveio.


Xs, G retor'r! Kw kegf kw G'n pgui ry jmbkcd, M akr'r! Sx'q tyqd pgui fya G mel'd jmbkcd xfo qgcxyui G webo wm weli cckvq kkm!

Sx byiqx'x koel S gyx'x dsb rrmlqw lya, rrssql.

At one point, after I heard that, without even really realizing it, I started running. Eventually I got to the library or, at least, what looked like it, and went in.

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