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A new situation, that I'm not really sure what to think of

It's, um, been a little while since I've posted. I wasn't really sure what to write. Especially with what happened recently.

Ok, so, remember that bat in my hotel room closet? Well, it turns out it's my great-aunt Myla. I'd thought it might be, but I wasn't totally sure. Now I know I was right.

She ended up feeding from me, when I was researching what to do about the bat (before I knew who it was.) She didn't take too much, thankfully, but...I don't know if I'll ever get used to being fed from. I realize Vampires need blood, and my great-aunt Myla's a Vampire, so it makes sense that she'd need some at some point.

It doesn't mean that I like that she fed from me, though.

Why was she even here in the first place?

S ayc xpimlq xm rijz.  M ixsu S qyni y wmqdeio, wm weli cckvq kkm, lyr S ayxxcn xm dvw krb kx joeqd jgh wmwirrmlq.  

S hgnr'r wiyx xm picn jpyq wyy.  G tyqd lynr'r reb lpmyh gx eurmjo eln cme acbi rripo.  

8 111330367055885. 8 2405 19 1857345814232894 199008 227 372266 224491 1215 8 111330367055885.

391423 92 16608 213629 50 391423 16608 316579 13807070, 229204723, 027579 5118 16608 389822 233942312 508 126037?

S'q lyx qevc sj wyy poqcwfcb sp xsr, lyr Lpyui doh dbsk iss cskoafkx pogcxxji.

16346, 8 6490327686 137921052221 338695.

8 2405 19 137921052221 5118 8 4439 17638 126182, 229204723.

Eq, uopj, S hgn xfkx.  G geq sr rri ybiy, ceu Lpyui doibsre pvmw cme eln xfkx wyy'b kppoebi tycwcn ssd.  Mr biyvpw cicwib vmio lc geq deisre k fgd xmy qsml, qy M dyyerx fsq ry kcd cme.  Er yrc zsgxx, qyqcyrc orboh sz ml dlc kvck, eln M ukw ylpc ds eox wyy ygew pvmw lgw.

Kjrov eoxrsre pep ormekf kayi, eln gfogisre iss yzcb, M poejsdcn cme acbil'd hmsre cs uopj.  S aycr'r cypo afkx ry hm, cs G... riyvib iss. 

391423 16608 213629 16608 85005079 316?

Sx'q rsu sx qyylnw, Fkmjoc.

Fekzmpo fjysb... mel riyv lswelc.  El erdyvrerydi qshc ojdogr, dlmekf, sw rrer csko lswelc jcop rri loib ds bbmlu fjysb dlcwwcvzcc wmwirsqcc.  Xfoc hewr wew xsr biyvmxo xfkx'q glyd xfoc'po jcopgxk.

532 391423?! 352, 8808726 18 352 14896...4-58074217, 8 123582 20397 1594131376 0 134698022 5794007652 131032094. 8 213629, 8 3213145 19 203819042 20397 92542162.

Glcx'w rri jkwr dmko cme ero wmwirrmlq?

389673, 13030 193823 339668 14890 0 30522366 53370 0170. 8 58227 19 203819042 90699 92542162, 1215 210994 153863299 2723 3875095830976 06377408. 227 58227 19 126037, 229204723. 227 90889 199008...

cskoxfsre geq wmqcmlq.

16346. 8 172191 58227 19 184934 15078.

18-482 221 233942312 19-508 126037 16608 210994 229094546 10311500.

S'q qyvpi, Lyspci.

8 2405 19 22-387029 508 334240 508 24-16608! 170 014896!

Erdyvrerydiji, M akr'r ns rrer.  Iss xicn fjysb krb iss'bi eymlq xm xicn xm viybr fya ry hckp usxf issb rcg wgdyydmmx.


Sx'q dlc yrji ayi cme'vc qsgxk ry jcop zoxrov.  

S'pj vir iss mejw hmgr dyv yglgvi, rrssql, yxh rril gi akr rkpi.  

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