It's been a couple of days since my last post and, well, I've heard the noises again. It almost sounds like banging or someone dropping something. I also thought I heard someone trying to say something to me.
I left the house for awhile. I wasn't really sure where I was going or anything, I just started walking. Eventually, I ended up near the woods and that same person showed up again.
386899 0 146474826 10179654 2239 186 44932 99748
There was the same warning, and same story from before. This time, though, at one point, I asked him about the cemetery and got a story about that too.
8 532 172191 137802268394 5744079 149904 13030 3458888 01222694 99748 13030 17444024986
391423 92 16608 213629
8 550 3269581 326148 5794007652 161008450 8 8986851 508 93629 10003 10179654 338804 389822 30377080 99748 1215 8 30519463 19
391423 18 338695 150936232307 508 213629
10179654 3 186 170